New Licensed Resource – CNP eReading (DDA eBook Project)
Nine campuses (all except UCSF, LBL) recently began participation in a Demand-Driven Acquisitions eBook project for access to the CNP eBooks. (B [LBL not included], D, I, LA, M, R, SB, SC, and SD; on the CNP eReading platform)
The Demand-Driven Acquisition eBook project with the China National Publications Import & Export (Group) Corporation (CNPIEC) is a one-year pilot. Pre-selected ebooks focus on disciplines in social sciences and humanities including history, political science, sociology, anthology, literature, philosophy, religion, classics, media studies, women studies and others. Book titles have been selected from more than 300 regular, university and society publishing houses. New titles are added to Melvyl and local campus online catalogs every two months.
Susan Xue (UCB) is the Resource Liaison and the contact for information on this license.