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AP Images Collection is transitioning to the EBSCOhost platform

The Associated Press (AP) Images Collection will be hosted exclusively on the EBSCOhost® platform beginning on June 16, 2017. It is currently hosted on the platform.

AP Images Collection is a primary source database with millions of images from 1826 to present and more than 3,500 additional photographs are added daily. The collection also includes 36,400 audio sound bytes dating from the 1920’s and more than 2,900 multimedia interactives. The multimedia interactives represent a compilation of integrated video, graphics and photos that bring the latest news and educational topics to life. In addition, AP Images Collection provides 2.7 million Associated Press news stories from 1997 to present, and a professionally produced collection of more than 340,000 maps, graphs, charts, logos, flags and illustrations.

The archive is currently available on both and EBSCOhost®.  Users will benefit from the cross-database searching available on the EBSCOhost® platform. For example, a search of the Academic Search Complete and AP Images Collection databases retrieves search results that include full text articles, Associated Press videos and related images in a single search.  Results can be further refined via the options in the left sidebar.


Overlap access is currently available and the link to this content ( now redirects to an interim screen offering links to both the new EBSCOhost® and the previous platforms.

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