Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: January 2017
Happy New Year!
For the month of December, our major serial record distributions include Open Access journals (191 titles which include: DOAJ, 132 titles; Taylor & Francis online journals, 24 titles). For monographs, the major record distributions are: CRC Press monographs (72 titles), IEEE Xplore online conference proceedings (81 titles), and Wiley online monographs (41 titles).
For DDA programs, 857 titles available from the CRC Press ENGnetBASE online monographs DDA 2014 package (292 titles), 2015 package (352 titles), 2016 package (213 titles); 2,433 titles from the EBSCO Japanese DDA, and 2,017 titles from the Airiti DDA. As of this date, we have recorded 168 purchases from the CRC Press ENGnetBASE for year 2013 (104 titles) & 2014 (64 titles), 102 from the EBSCO Japanese, and 195 from Airiti.
Update on Dacheng online journals [大成老旧刊全文数据库]. To increase cataloging efficiency and meet user need of instant access to big sets of Chinese e-resources, Bie-hwa Ma has initiated several cooperative cataloging projects among CEAL member libraries. Dacheng was the first one launched in 2016 by four partners from Stanford University, University of Washington, University of Hong Kong, and SCP.
Initially, around 6,970 brief records were distributed to campuses in 2013. We are going to replace these brief records with OCLC records contributed by the 4 participating libraries. Dacheng’s workflow has been adjusted to facilitate the effort as follows:
- Bie-hwa identifies the titles with and without OCLC copy.
- Bie-hwa adds encoding level 3 (brief) records into OCLC for those titles without OCLC copy
- Participating libraries identify and enhance any existing OCLC records
- Once the cataloging of the initial title list is finished, these records will be added as a collection in OCLC Collection Manager.
- Brief records may be upgraded at this time by the participating libraries. In addition, new titles may be added. SCP will set up to receive automated notification of updates via OCLC Collection Manager.
As a result, 2,011 level-3 records with OCLC numbers have been distributed to campuses in the Dec. 2016 SCP file to replace the previously created brief records. Please note that most of these records have no coverage. They will be added at the time of cooperative full level cataloging. From now on, campuses will benefit from receipt of increasing number of records from this project.
Other Chinese Collaboration Cataloging projects. Another project is the Chinese periodical full-text database (1911-1949) [民国时期期刊] (25,000 titles) participated by four libraries from University of Michigan, Stanford University, University of Washington, and SCP. This will follow the same workflow model of Dacheng project.
The third project is China Academic Journals (CAJ). Since University of Hong Kong Library has finished the cataloging of CAJ and shared all of the OCLC numbers of records for CAJ titles including title changes, partners will identify and export the records they want on their own. SCP will soon export around 1,500 free full-level records that have not cataloged before due to hidden title changes, a major task on Bie-hwa’s to-do list since the initial cataloging was completed in 2009.
Useful links: SCP Cataloging Priorities | SCP Updates & Statistics | CDL E-Resources Tracking | Request for New Cataloging Projects | Request Cataloging for Individual OA Journal Titles