Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: November 2016
For the month of October, our major serial record distributions included AnthroSource online journals (24 titles), JSTOR online journals (97 titles), Open Access journals (315 titles). Of the OA journals, 197 titles were DOAJ; 25 titles were ScienceDirect online journals; 17 titles were SpringerOpen online journals; 16 titles were Wiley online journals; and 93 titles were China online journals.
For monographs, the major record distributions were: SpringerLink monographs (1532 titles, including a new subset — Social science and law monographs (German), 398 titles), ACM Digital Library online conference proceedings (41 titles), Cambridge online monographs (94 titles), CRC Press monographs (124 titles), Elsevier monographs (114 titles), IEEE Xplore online conference proceedings (149 titles), Knovel Library online monographs (47 titles), National Academies Press online monographs (107 titles), Safari tech books online monographs (34 titles), Wiley online monographs (118 titles), Superstar Chinamaxx monographs (190 titles).
For DDA programs, 823 titles available from the CRC Press ENGnetBASE online monographs DDA 2014 package (292 titles), 2015 package (352 titles), 2016 package (179 titles); 2,433 titles from the EBSCO Japanese DDA, and 1,877 titles from the Airiti DDA. As of this date, we have recorded 168 purchases from the CRC Press ENGnetBASE for year 2013 (104 titles) & 2014 (64 titles), 102 from the EBSCO Japanese, and 195 from Airiti.
For SCP local holdings process: OCLC had unexpected issues in the process of transitioning their batchloading services to WorldShare Collection Manager. As a result, local holdings records (LHR) additions and updates to SCP serials in WorldCat Local are on hold. Kate will send a notice to system liaisons once OCLC resolves the issues and the processing begins again.
Useful links: SCP Cataloging Priorities | SCP Updates & Statistics | CDL E-Resources Tracking | Request for New Cataloging Projects | Request Cataloging for Individual OA Journal Titles