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Alison Ray moves to D2D

CDL is pleased to announce that Alison Ray will begin her new position as Discovery and Delivery Systems Analyst on November 1.   Alison spent the last 6 months as the interim person in the void left by Margery Tibbetts’ retirement.  All of you who know and have worked with Alison in her current role as Information Services Analyst appreciate the deep understanding she has built of all CDL services in her 10 years at CDL.

D2D feels incredibly lucky and grateful to have Alison, with her deep expertise and analytical abilities, join the D2D team.    We’ve already drawn upon Alison’s knowledge in working with UC Davis to successfully integrate their new Library Management System (Alma) and Discovery system (Primo)  with UC’s systemwide services.  We expect her experience with UC Davis will be beneficial to UC Santa Barbara when they migrate next year.  Alison is well positioned to contribute to any other RFPs that might occur.   And, Alison is playing a crucial role in helping to rethink the Future of Resource Sharing at UC.
Congratulations, Alison!