WorldCat Discovery & FirstSearch: Latest updates from OCLC
On July 14th, OCLC presented a Virtual WorldCat Discovery User Community Meeting webinar that included information on the latest status of WorldCat Discovery, FirstSearch, the OCLC Community Center and more.
- The webinar recording of this program is available here.
- The PowerPoint presentation from this webinar is available here (

WorldCat Discovery (WCD)
Information on the WorldCat Discovery (Beta) for the UC campuses is available on the WorldCat Discovery Beta webpage. This webpage includes
- Links to the UC campus (and union) WCD-Beta instances where you can test drive the functionality
- OCLC’s project timeline (e.g., when will UC migrate to the new platform?)
In March 2016, OCLC announced it was keeping FirstSearch as a separate product rather than merging it into WorldCat Discovery as originally planned. In July 2016, OCLC announced plans to continue envisioning and developing the ‘new FirstSearch’ through 2016. Access to existing FirstSearch continues through all of 2017.