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WEST passes resolution honoring Lizanne Payne

The WEST Executive Committee passed the following resolution on May 20, 2016 to thank Lizanne Payne for her leadership.

Resolution Honoring Elizabeth A. (Lizanne) Payne

Whereas Elizabeth A. Payne has advanced the efforts of more than 70 academic and research libraries in the Western region of the United States to develop shared print journal archives through her service as inaugural Project Manager and Shared Print Planning and Systems Consultant for the Western Regional Storage Trust from 2010 to 2016; and

Whereas Elizabeth A. Payne has through tireless efforts, formulated and guided the creation of a model and collaborative partnership for shared print collection management among academic and research libraries in the West; and

Whereas this model is transforming the shape of library print collections and institutional relationships, and has enabled libraries in the West to ensure the long term retention and future access to thousands of journals for the scholarly pursuits of future generations,
Be it therefore

Resolved: that the members of the Western Regional Storage Trust extend their deep appreciation to Elizabeth A. Payne for her extraordinary and exemplary service and for the profound impact of her service on shared print collection management among academic and research libraries; and

Resolved: that the members of the Western Regional Storage Trust express their gratitude to Elizabeth A. Payne for

  • her leadership in the formation of the Trust; and for
  • her dedication to enabling distributed print journal archiving; and for
  • advancing our shared mission to preserve the scholarly record for future generations of students and scholars; and for
  • strengthening our cooperative institutional relationships.







MAY 20, 2016