Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: June 2015
The major monograph distributions were for Springer (2209 titles), NBER working papers (1027 titles), Naxos (323 titles), Elsevier (348 titles), Loeb Classical Library (211), OECD (163 titles), IEEE (147 titles), SPIE (146 titles), Wiley (83 titles), Apabi (77 titles), and CRC Press (70 titles). For serials our major distributions were for Open Access (117 titles) and Cambridge (29 titles).
There are now 3,439 DDA titles available from YBP/Ebrary, 1,962 titles available for the EBSCO Japanese DDA, and 1,282 titles from the Airiti DDA. As of this date, we have recorded 249 purchases from YBP/Ebrary, eleven from the EBSCO Japanese, and four from Airiti.
As in past fiscal year endings, CDL is busy finalizing several end-of-year database and package purchases. As these get completed, SCP will prioritize them for cataloging. Some, like the Loeb Classical Library titles, are already being distributed, titles from others such as the Morgan & Claypool Life Sciences Colloquium 3 and the Elsevier Clinics Collection will soon be entering your catalogs. Be aware that even after invoices have been paid, there is a certain amount of work to be done to determine the most appropriate cataloging approach and there is always a possibility of technical difficulties causing delays in cataloging. Assuming no such snags, we anticipate you’ll be seeing all the year-end purchases fully cataloged by the end of August. Of course, if you have specific questions about the cataloging for any package, please don’t hesitate to send us a query via the CDL HelpLine,
Until next month …