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New Licensed Resource – Nature Plants

nature_plantsAll UC campuses now have access to Nature Plants on the (NPG) platform.

Nature Plants is a new systemwide license in 2015. After numerous faculty requests across a number of campuses, the UC Bio/Ag and Health & Life Sciences selectors requested that CDL evaluate the new journal which led to a cost share proposal that was approved by CLS (Collection Licensing Subgroup).

Nature Plants will publish primary research into the molecular biology, physiology and ecology of plants — in both basic and applied research spheres ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­— as well as investigations into the relationship between humanity and the plant kingdom. In addition to publishing original research, Nature Plants will deliver news, reviews and commentaries from across the full range of disciplines concerned with the plant sciences.

This journal has been cataloged by the Shared Cataloging Program (SCP).