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Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update: July 2014

The major distributions for serials last month were for Open Access (488 titles), ScienceDirect (52 titles), JSTOR (50 titles), and ASME (49 titles) with those from ASME being the first distributions for that package. For monographs, our major distributions included titles for Open Access (476 titles), Springer (470 titles), Wiley (143 titles), CRC Press (115 titles), IEEE (86 titles), CalDocs (56 titles), and Elsevier (52 titles).

For our DDAs, there are now 2470 titles available from YBP/Ebrary, 1529 titles available for the EBSCO Japanese DDA, and 924 titles from the Airiti DDA. As of this date, we have recorded 40 purchases from YBP/Ebrary, 11 from the EBSCO Japanese, and 4 from Airiti.

Second quarter 2014,, as well as fiscal year 2013/2014,, statistics are now posted. Both of these documents show the number of titles cataloged for each package tracked by SCP for the respective time period and gives the number of titles added to each package during the same. To summarize the big picture, for fiscal year 2013/2014, SCP staff added 47 database, 5980 serial, and 71,841 monograph links for licensed and open access resources. As of June 30, 2014, the total number of links numbered 633 for databases, 74,846 for serials, and 659,886 for monographs.

Lastly, a call out to SCP’s Becky Culbertson; she was recently appointed a member of the HathiTrust User Support Working Group. The group’s charge:

  • Responds to and ensures ultimate resolution of user inquiries that are received through HathiTrust web interfaces and the HathiTrust contact address. This work is accomplished through the use of a common issue‐tracking system.
  • Responds to users directly and mediates resolution of problems and issues with contacts at partner institutions where necessary. Initial responses to inquiries are sent within one business day of receipt and resolved as soon as possible thereafter.
  • Works closely with other working groups and committees to direct feedback on particular HathiTrust activities, interfaces, and work products (e.g., PageTurner and search interfaces, webinars, press releases, etc.) to the appropriate channels.

Becky will be working with 11 other folk from HathiTrust member institutions plus two staff from HathiTrust.

Until next month …