CDL purchases Nature Chemistry and Nature Nanotechnology backfiles
CDL purchased two Nature backfiles for systemwide access with last-minute end-of-year funds that became available – the complete backfile (Volume 1, 2009 through 2013) for Nature Chemistry, and the Volume 1, 2006 backfile for Nature Nanotechnology.
Nature Chemistry has been in high demand since its launch and CDL was able to fill the perpetual rights gap created by the moratorium. Prior to the purchase, UC libraries had rolling backfile access going back to 2010, but no access to 2009 and 2010 would have rolled off in 2015.
Nature Nanotechnology, for which we were only missing the first year of access and perpetual rights, was offered gratis by NPG as an incentive for the Nature Chemistry purchase.
Access is in place for all campuses and SCP has distributed the catalog records.