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Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) Monthly Update – October 2011

By Adolfo Tarango, Head, Systemwide Collection Services

The Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) provides catalog records for the University of California campus libraries.  Established in January 2000, the program is based at UC San Diego.  To learn more about SCP, see

There were only minor additions to our serials packages this past month; however, we continued to distribute significant numbers of records for e-books. They included records for Springer (346), SIAM (181), IEEE (140), CRC Press (81), and SuperStar (81). Current cataloging statistics for each SCP package are now posted ( This data reflects cataloging completed through the end of September. The number given after each package named is the number of titles cataloged for that package.

Looking forward, SCP submitted to JSC for approval the following as fourth quarter cataloging priorities:


  1. IEEE Conference Proceedings (~2,600 titles)
  2. EEBO (~125,000 titles)
  3. DOAJ (~1,100 titles)
  4. LexisNexis (~1,800 titles)


  1. New content from currently licensed journal packages (transfers, adds, etc.)
  2. End of year/new acquisitions
  3. UC supported open access resources (e.g. eScholarship, BioMedCentral)
  4. Other open access resources (by request only)
  5. New content from other licensed packages

Our priorities are now separated into project-oriented and standing priorities. The project-oriented priorities are specific packages or projects SCP recommends for focused attention. The standing priorities take a macro view of the UC’s entire e-resource collection and are set by the JSC. SCP uses these standing priorities to manage its day-to-day workload on packages not called out as project-oriented priorities.

Our cataloging priorities for Chinese language resources are:

  1. Apabi e-books (~4,700 titles)
  2. Ongoing maintenance to cataloged packages (e.g. COJ, TEPS, SuperStar)
  3. DragonSource International (~1,000 titles)

These priorities are recommended by SCP and are reviewed and approved by the East Asian Bibliographers.