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Next-Generation Technical Services Update: September 2011

Power of Three (POT) groups have generated initial task lists and timelines and are setting up Lightning Team memberships. After review and feedback from the NGTS Management Team, the POTs are now proceeding with the following tasks and will be charging Lightning Teams (LT). Other proposed tasks and teams are still under review and discussion.

POT 2: Transform cataloging practices
To address its charge of defining and implementing a consortial shelf-ready program, POT 2’s preliminary task is to create a glossary of shelf-ready related terms. A Lightning Team will conduct an environmental scan of UC’s current shelf-ready environment and another LT will be charged to obtain physical processing specifications from each campus. The Collection Development Committee‘s (CDC) Shared Monographs Coordinating Group will be asked to nominate pilots for system-wide shelf-ready. Based on the information gathered, POT 2 will formulate and propose a vendor plan.

POT 2’s second project is to define and implement UC cataloging record standards. The POT will begin by gathering campus cataloging standards and consulting with the Heads of Technical Services (HOTS) and Cataloging and Metadata Common Interest Group ( (CAMCIG) on defining a UC Bibliographic Standard Record (BSR) to be widely vetted.

POT 3: Accelerate processing of archival and manuscript collections
POT 3 will assess the current implementation of Archivists’ Toolkit and More Product Less Process (MPLP) and needs on the campuses. It will charge three Lightning Teams to 1) deploy Archivists’ Toolkit system-wide; 2) define minimal collection record specification; and 3) implement MPLP practices UC-wide.

POT 4: Simplify the recharge process
Considerable progress has already been made on POT 4’s two deliverables: 1) a workable deposit account system for CDL co-investments, and 2) a secure website to view and track CDL recharge activity in real time. POT 4 will assess current deposit account processes as well as gather campus auditing requirements in order to improve and refine those processes and gain full participation of the campuses.

POT 5: Maximize effectiveness of Shared Cataloging
POT 5 will charge a Lightning Team to conduct an assessment of current Shared Cataloging Program (SCP) record distribution and its costs in order to develop a recommendation on whether to continue such distribution. It will also document the current SCP decision-making structure and cataloging priorities in order to evaluate those priorities.

POT 6: Develop system-wide Collections Services Operations
POT 6 will define and build a glossary of technical services operations. Antecedent to piloting system-wide technical services projects, the POT will charge Lightning Teams to gather information on and assess: 1) existing shared staffing agreements and projects; 2) current and projected campus staffing needs; 3) existing and needed tools that support technical services operations; and 4) current backlogs (building on and updating previous surveys).

POT 7: Transform collection development practices
POT 7 will coordinate with CDC and track the current work in progress by the Shared Monographs Coordinating Group to inventory: 1) shared collection development commitments; 2) strategies for collecting traditional materials with a system-wide or multi-campus approach; and 3) strategies for collecting non-traditional digital collections with a system-wide or multi-campus approach. As preliminary steps for developing a proposal redefining the roles and responsibilities of UC bibliographers, the POT will charge Lightning Teams to survey stakeholders and to identify the skills, knowledge and abilities (SKAs) required for UC bibliographers.