NGTS Power of Three Groups Appointed and Charged
The NGTS Management Team reporting to Systemwide Operations and Planning Advisory Group (SOPAG) has charged the following Power of Three groups (POTs) to proceed with implementation of the Next Generation Technical Services Initiative:
• POT 2 – Transform cataloging practices
• POT 3 – Accelerate processing of archival and manuscript collections
• POT 4 – Simplify the recharge process
• POT 5 – Maximize the effectiveness of Shared Cataloging
• POT 6 – Develop system-wide Collection Services staffing
• POT 7 – Transform collection development practices
POT 1 (Build the system-wide infrastructure for digital collections) has not been charged pending further discussion and consideration of the Digital Library Services Task Force 2 (DLSTF2) recommendations. Charges and rosters for POTs 2 through 7 have been posted at:
The Power of Three groups are nimble teams of domain experts and SOPAG sponsors empowered to consult broadly with UC colleagues as they take action on the NGTS medium and high priorities. They will be assisted by members of the Project Management Working Group (see charge In addition, POTs are authorized to form Lightning Teams that will focus on specific, often short-term assignments to assist the completion of the POTs charges.
The NGTS Management Team has created a blog ( to provide regular updates and to share noteworthy ideas and developments related to the NGTS Initiative with you. You are invited to submit any questions and comments you may have regarding NGTS via the Ask a Question and DISQUS features of the blog. Tumblr users can “Follow” the blog and all users can subscribe to the RSS feed to be notified of new posts. Twitter users should use the hashtag #ucngts to track related tweets. In addition, any questions or comments can be submitted to the NGTS Communications Manager, Emily Lin, at for review and response.
We look forward to engaging you in what will be an evolving, iterative process to improve how the Libraries collectively approach technical services, with the end-goal of efficiently and effectively providing access to information resources over the long term.
Diane Bisom