Springer eBook Shared Cataloging Update
By Adolfo Tarango, Head, Shared Cataloging Program
As a general rule, the UC Shared Cataloging Program located at San Diego, is now keeping current cataloging 2010 English language Springer eBook titles as they get posted at the SpringerLink site. Our ability to do so depends on the volume of Springer’s actual week to week output and other SCP cataloging priorities. Once cataloged, records are distributed to campuses every Monday. SCP may catalog a title the day it is posted on SpringerLink; however, the catalog record for that title would not get distributed to the campuses until the following Monday. SCP staff assume campuses load their files of records soon after we post them, but if they don’t load them quickly then there would be a delay in the appearance of a record in a local OPAC. Cataloging the gratis German language Springer eBook titles is not a high priority.
SCP has some difficulties in identifying all the titles UC has access to in the Springer eBook package, so it is possible that we have missed cataloging some titles. Assuming campus loading of SCP files is current, if you find any English language titles posted at the SpringerLink site for more than three months for which no catalog record exists, please let us know by emailing Donal O’Sullivan at dosullivan@ucsd.edu. SCP will investigate and get these titles cataloged as soon as possible. Please be aware that there are a number of Springer eBook titles from excluded publishers and titles posted at the SpringerLink site which are not part of our license. On occasion, Springer will have turned on access to these unlicensed titles. SCP will not catalog unlicensed titles.
For further information please contact:
Adolfo R. Tarango
Head, Shared Cataloging Program