Web Archiving Resource: IIPC "Active Solutions"
In September the California Digital Library hosted the 2009 iPRES digital preservation conference in San Francisco. In conjunction with iPRES, the International Internet Preservation Consortium hosted a one-day open session: Active Solutions for Preserving Internet Content. The presentations from that session are now available from the session program page:
Link for presentations: (http://netpreserve.org/events/program.php)
The presenters provided a truly international perspective on web archiving issues and included representatives from France, New Zealand, the Netherlands, the United States and the United Kingdom. Presentations topics cover metadata issues, strategies for dealing with viruses in web archives, and workflow models. The presentations include specific examples of web archiving innovation, such as the National Archives’ collaborative efforts with UK government agencies to make sure that users who receive 404 errors for government documents are routed directly to the archived copy. (Spencer and Heatherington) (http://netpreserve.org/events/active_solutions/11_IPRES-IIPC09%20TNA%20presentation3.pdf).
Presentations for the related iPRES conference are also available, and include sessions of interest to web archivists such as: