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Library Staff News

a. Felicia Poe Moves Into New Assessment Coordinator Position

Felicia Poe will assume the role of CDL Assessment Coordinator beginning October 1. As a Service Design Analyst at the CDL for the past three years, Felicia has made significant contributions to the Melvyl Catalog redesign, the eScholarship Editions project, and the development of the CDL web presence, including Inside CDL and the University of California Libraries site.

In her new role as Assessment Coordinator, Felicia will lead the development of the CDL’s new assessment program, including the coordination of evaluation activities such as focus groups, user needs assessment, and usability testing.  Felicia brings to the position experience with a range of assessment methodologies, her well-known project management skills, and her understanding of user interface design.

Felicia’s assessment team consists of Laura Fosbender, Library Data Analyst, and Jane Lee, our new Assessment Analyst.

b. Jane Lee Joins the CDL

On September 21, Jane Lee joined the CDL on a two-year contract as an Assessment Analyst. Jane is a recent graduate of SIMS at UC Berkeley where she had been conducting a needs assessment and redesign the SIMS web site.  A former high school math teacher, Jane has also worked with Interactive University to develop use cases and scenarios for the Scholar’s Box.

In her role as assessment analyst, Jane will help plan and carry out assessment activities such as usability studies and surveys and will analyze the results.

Please join us in welcoming Jane to the CDL.

c. Eric Satzman Named Web Production Manager

Eric Satzman has accepted a two-year contract position (which officially began September 13) as the Web Production Manager. Eric will report to Steve Toub and will work with him to schedule and manage web production needs for CDL projects, and will coordinate the work of the web production team consisting of Pam Daniels and Robin Davis-White.

During the past year, Eric has been working at the CDL on a contract basis doing production work for a variety of web projects, including the CDL Brochure site redesign, the Inside CDL site, and the new Reshaping Scholarly Communication site.

Although many of us have already worked with Eric, it wasn’t until we went through the interview process that we learned about his special connection to UC.  Eric was the first student body president at UC Santa Cruz where a notable achievement was the selection of the banana slug as UCSC’s official mascot.