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Counting California Wins the 2004 Documents to the People Award

The American Library Association (ALA) Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) awarded Counting California the 2004 Documents to the People Award.  Counting California can be accessed at:

The award recognizes individuals and institutions who have encouraged the use of government documents in library service. Susan Tulis, chair of the GODORT awards committee, called Counting California “a significant, innovative, and usable database” that “serves an important role by preserving statistical data in electronic format.”

Congratulations to all those involved in the development of Counting California: Patricia Cruse (CDL), Ilona Einowski (UC Berkeley), Fred Gey (UC Berkeley), Juri Stratford (UC Davis), Margaret Low (CDL), Michael A. Russell (CDL), Claudia Woo (CDL), and Marcia Fanshier (formerly of CDL).

The award will be presented at the ALA Annual Conference in Orlando on June 28.