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eScholarship Repository Reaches Major Milestones

The eScholarship Repository <> has reached several major milestones since its launch in April 2002.  The Repository offers University of California faculty a central online location for depositing working papers, technical reports, research results, datasets with commentary, and peer-reviewed series.  It is free for scholars to upload papers and free for users to download them.  The CDL guarantees persistent access to the content.

Nearly 100 UC institutes, departments, research units, and centers from 9 UC campuses have joined the repository.  The eScholarship Repository contains 1,200 papers. Users have logged 60,000 full-text downloads of repository scholarship.  Usage statistics show that over 95 percent of repository users are coming from outside UC, including 38 countries.  This demonstrates the increased visibility the repository offers UC faculty.

A wide range of subjects can be found in the repository, including social science, business, education, humanities, and the sciences.  The Anderson School of Management at UCLA, Center for Studies in Higher Education at Berkeley, University of California Energy Institute (a Multi-Campus Research Unit), Economics Department at Santa Barbara, Center for Conservation Biology at Riverside, and Scripps Institution of Oceanography at San Diego are just a few of the UC academic departments and research units with repository sites.

The eScholarship Repository also supports peer-reviewed series, which offer scholars an alternative to for-profit journals.  The University of California International and Area Studies (UCIAS) Digital Collection <> has been available since summer 2002.  Further information on starting a repository peer-reviewed series can be found at <>.

The complete March 12, 2003 press release on the eScholarship Repository can be found at <>.  Additional information on the repository is available at <> or through your campus eScholarship liaison <>.