East Asian Digital Resources White Paper Task Force Appointed
Responding to a proposal from the San Diego campus, and with endorsement and leadership by the UC Collection Development Committee, the CDL has appointed an East Asian Digital Resources White Paper Task Force. The Task Force will report to Beverlee French, CDL Director for Shared Content and the CDL Joint Committee on Shared Collections. Task Force members are:
Cathy Chiu, UCSB, Chair, and Liaison to the East Asian Bibliographers group
Karl Lo, CDL, Convener for the first meeting/Responsible for research and development of the final report
Jean Han, UCB (Chinese collections)
Mikyung Kang, UCLA (Korean collections)
Sanae Isozumi (UCSD, Japanese collections)
The task force will also consult with the UC East Asian Bibliographers’ group regarding their strategy and recommendations. The CDL is providing funds for Karl Lo, Director of International Programs (ret.), UCSD Libraries, to work on the project at 20% time through June.
The White Paper will state where UC is in the development of an East Asian Digital Library, what resources it should contain, what technical support will be needed to sustain it, and how much these resources and supporting services might cost. The document will have three snapshots and a list of recommendations. The snapshots are (1) Global resources on East Asia; (2) UC ownership of and accessibility to these resources; and (3) needs of UC scholars. The list of recommendations will include infrastructure building; intellectual property; resource development; training; funding and other issues.