CDL Database Transitions
a. RLG’s Eureka Interface has Changed; UC-eLinks to be Activated on RLG Databases
As of June 3, the interface to the RLG Eureka databases has changed. According to RLG’s publicity, “The new Eureka offers a cleaner, more compatible, more straightforward interface, without changing the underlying searches, displays, or database. Eureka will work in almost any size browser window. “Changes have been made to the Home page, searching, browse lists, headings results, record displays, special displays and features. From the Eureka page, click on, “Welcome to the new Eureka! See what’s changed…” for detailed information on the changes.
Another upcoming change to Eureka will be the activation of UC-eLinks on the RLG databases beginning in early July. This will enable users to link to the full electronic text of articles when they’re available in the RLG databases; to link to library catalog holdings; and to link to Request for interlibrary borrowing, including from RLIN, RCAT. As a reminder, these changes will have an impact on Anthropological Literature (ANTH), Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals (ARCH), Bibliography of the History of Art, Chicano Database, English Short Title Catalog, Francis, History of Science & Technology (HSCI), Index to 19th Century American Art Periodicals, Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (FLEG), RLIN Bibliographic File (RCAT), and SCIPIO.
b. UC-eLinks to be Activated on PubMed
After discussion with the campus PubMed liaisons, it has been decided that UC-eLinks will be activated on PubMed beginning June 12.
The liaisons recommended that the CDL:
a. Remove CDL titles from LinkOut
b. Add UC-eLinks to Outside Tool to provide links to all CDL ejournals, holdings in Melvyl/PE, and Request.
c. Campuses will use LinkOut only for the ejournals to which they subscribe.
The CDL and campuses are working on a plan for campuses to add their subscriptions to UC-eLinks. The CDL will provide two more updates of CDL titles to LinkOut, and will turn on UC-eLinks in PubMed’s Outside Tool on June 12.
Campus libraries can choose to configure LinkOut:
Option 1: to include CDL plus their own titles
Option 2: to include just their own titles and use Outside Tool to turn on UC-eLinks
UCSF and UCSD have chosen Option 1, which they will stay with until the campuses can add their subscriptions to UC-eLinks.
c. SearchLight Upcoming Changes
As of early July, SearchLight will search the new vendor versions of the formerly CDL-hosted databases. For a list of the databases involved, check the Detailed Status of the Journal Article Databases Transition Chart, [].
For some databases for which there is now “instant gratification”, that is, where the search links users directly to the list of references, users may now have to conduct the search again once they are led to a particular database. An example of a database that does not currently have instant gratification is WorldCat.
d. Ovid BIOSIS
Ovid has completed its reload of BIOSIS, and the BIOSIS Resource Liaison, Beth Weil (UCB) is reviewing the reloaded database. BIOSIS on Ovid should be released to the public within the month. This, then, will be the final database of the transitioning journal article databases to be released in its new vendor interface.
e. Ei Compendex via Ei Village retiring as of June 27, 2002
The free access Ei Village version of Ei Compendex*Plus is retiring on June 27. The Ovid version of Ei Compendex*Plus will now be the sole version of this database available to the UC Community. For the time being, some of the older citations will be missing. Ei Page One records (an older set of somewhat less relevant records) are available only via the Ei Village version of Compendex, so these will no longer be accessible. CDL and the Resource Liaison for Ei Compendex*Plus, Michele Potter, will be investigating solutions to this issue.
The Ei Village was part of the A&I transition evaluation, the subject specialists strongly recommended the OVID interface despite the additional content in the Ei Village version.
Later this summer, UC-eLinks will be activated in the Ovid version of Ei Compendex*Plus. At that time, users will be able to:
1. Follow links to full-text electronic holdings or our library collections
2. Request materials that are not available electronically or on a campus
3. Search Inspec, Compendex, and Current Contents at the same time
4. Create AutoAlerts of new articles that are saved permanently in a particular Ovid database and are executed whenever the specified database is updated.
f. MLA Continues on SilverPlatter
It was announced in the March 28, 2002 issue of CDLINFO that the Ovid version of the MLA International Bibliography would have an overlap period with the SilverPlatter version of MLA through June 18, 2002, at which time the MLA Directory of Periodicals via Ovid was expected to be available.
Ovid’s timeline for incorporating the Directory has slipped again, so we have asked Ovid to continue running the SilverPlatter version of MLA through the end of summer 2002. The Z39.50 CDL-hosted version of MLA will also be running through summary 2002. After that date, the Ovid (native) version will be the sole interface of the MLA International Bibliography.