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CDL Database Transitions

a. Article Level Links Now Available for Elsevier ScienceDirect Journals via UC-eLinks

Linking to the article, rather than journal level is a significant breakthrough, since CDL licenses over 1,000 Elsevier titles.  From a citation in a CSA Database, for example, a user encounters the Elsevier ScienceDirect fulltext link in the UC-eLinks pop-up window and it will now link directly to the article’s full electronic text.

From a citation in a CSA Database, for example, a user encounters the UC-eLinks pop-up window, which will now link directly to the article’s full electronic text.

This development will have an even greater impact as more of the transitioning science databases move to new vendors since Elsevier is primarily a publisher in the physical and life sciences.

Further information about UC-eLinks is available at:

A users guide for UC-eLinks is available at:

b. CDL-Hosted Journal Article Databases FAQ Updated

The CDL-Hosted Journal Article Databases FAQ has been updated to reflect changes since the text was originally written, and now includes an expanded answer to the question, “How are decisions being made?”  This portion was enlarged to remind journal article database users, including library staff, why one database vendor was selected over another.