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Request Update

UC’s long awaited Consortial Borrowing System (CBS), which uses Virtual Document Exchange (VDX) software from Fretwell-Downing, to combine workflows for filling interlibrary loan requests, provide patrons with new features such as the ability to check the status of requests, and facilitate desktop delivery of non-returnable items, is coming to your campus this year.

In anticipation of the CBS and its important contributions to resource sharing, the Request project team has been expanded and additional liaisons have been named at each campus to support implementation and ongoing communication.  In the last two months the Request Team has met several times with Fretwell-Downing to plan the installation, setup, and training for the VDX application. The team members have been collecting massive amounts of data to use in the initial setup of the system.  This application, to be implemented on a central computer at the CDL with participation by all campus ILL units, has been installed and is expected to be available for use by UCLA and UCSD in the next several weeks.

The CBS is to be implemented in three stages. In the first stage the CBS will be implemented at UCSD and UCLA.  In the second stage, UCB and all of the campuses with Innovative Interfaces systems will be implemented.  The third stage will extend the CBS use to UCSB and UCD.  Beginning dates for stages two and three are not yet firm.  Training for ILL staff at UCSD and UCLA has begun.  The two training sessions (one in the north and one in the south) for group two campuses (UCB, UCI, UCR, UCSC, and USCF) will be scheduled soon.

Claire Bellanti (Chair of the Desktop Delivery Subcommittee) reports that both Minolta and RLG are working on programming to make Ariel version 3.01 communicate with the scanners that campuses have purchased.  It is expected that these upgrades will be available to us in March.  RSC-IAG has prepared policy and procedural recommendations for RSC discussion.  These recommendations will help campuses provide consistent Desktop Delivery Service when the software is ready.

For information and updates on CBS implementation, liaisons, and time lines, please make occasional visits to the Request web site [] A VDX questions and answers document can be found at this site.