Library Staff News
a. Cecily Johns Joins the CDL
Cecily Johns, who most recently has served as AUL for Collections and Technical Services at Santa Barbara and Project Director for the Collection Management Initiative (50%) joined the CDL on January 2, 2002, as Senior Associate for Collection Management projects for the duration of 2002. The UC Santa Barbara Library has rearranged a number of local responsibilities in order to make this contribution to the co-library.
Cecily’s 50% appointment will be in addition to her continued duties (50%) as Project Director for the Mellon-funded Collection Management Initiative, which carries through the end of 2002. As Senior Associate at the CDL, Cecily will assist with the eScholarship Program, focusing especially on communication and collaboration with the UC libraries, and with other collection management planning projects. Cecily will support the Collection Management Planning Group, a committee of SLASIAC. She will continue to be located primarily at UCSB where the Library will provide office and computer support.
b. Fathilah Kamaluddin Leaves the CDL
December 28 was Fathilah Kamaluddin’s last day at the CDL. Fathilah joined the CDL over a decade ago as our main ADABAS database administrator and has been an absolutely vital member of our staff for both mainframe and, more recently, UNIX database applications. We’ll greatly miss her database skills as well as her cheerful willingness and wonderfully sardonic humor.