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ContentsFirst and ArticleFirst Changes as of October 14, 2001

The OCLC ArticleFirst database will be expanded to include tables of contents from the OCLC ContentsFirst database as well as citations from the OCLC FirstSearch Electronic Collections Online database.  These enhancements are scheduled for this Sunday, October 14, 2001.

We just learned today that when the ContentsFirst database is incorporated into ArticleFirst, all current ContentsFirst users will NOT BE automatically redirected to ArticleFirst.  CDL will be removing our webscript that provides direct access to the ContentsFirst database, and the ContentsFirst entry will be removed from the CDL Directory as part of this week’s CDL Directory update.  If your campus web site includes links to the CDL Directory entry for ContentsFirst, you should remove those links for ASAP.

These changes OCLC is making include the following:

  • The ContentsFirst database will be incorporated into ArticleFirst in order to give users the ability to browse journal tables of contents, as they can now in Electronic Collections Online.  With the integration of these two databases, separate access to the ContentsFirst database will be discontinued in the FirstSearch Web and text-only interfaces.  This change is being made in response to requests from users for access to both the tables of contents and article-level information in a single database.
  • Bibliographic information from the Electronic Collections Online database will be added to ArticleFirst.  If an Electronic Collections Online record duplicates a record present in the ArticleFirst database, the search automatically keeps only the Electronic Collections Online record, thus automatically removing duplicates from the results set.   Electronic Collections Online will remain as a separate database, as well, and will continue to offer the following options not available to ArticleFirst users: limit to subscription, limit to publisher collections, limit to subject collections, abstracts, and references.