JSTOR Interface Changes Implemented June 19, 2000
“Set Preferences” Feature
The new “Set Preferences” feature incorporates the existing set page size option with the new ability to select and set a preferred printing option. The former print page with the three JSTOR printing options has been replaced with a simpler print page that displays one default option (PDF: High Quality) and an option to “Set Preferences.” Both printing preferences and page size preferences may be modified at any time by selecting the “Set Preferences” button from the JSTOR toolbar. Additionally, new [Print] and [Download] links on search results pages and the table of contents pages offer shortcuts to these functions.
Provider Designation Service
The JSTOR Provider Designation, a brief statement that states “Access to JSTOR is provided by your UC campus library in collaboration with the California Digital Library” appears at the top of the JSTOR window.
Help for Zero results
Users with zero search results will now be presented with information about why JSTOR did not find any matches to the search criteria. For example, if the user enters a publication date that is beyond the JSTOR moving wall for that title, the user will be presented with an explanation of the moving wall and the coverage information for the titles included in the search.
Latex codes will no longer appear in citations and abstracts
Latex is a coding language used to represent special characters that cannot be displayed in ASCII text, e.g., mathematical formulae, chemical formulae, and Greek or other notations, for Mathematics and Science journals. JSTOR now shows rendered Latex instead of raw Latex encoding as the default display in citations and abstracts. There is a link to the raw Latex display at the end of the citation page. Users using Macintosh machines or older versions of windows may find that the Latex is not always rendered properly. To optimize the display of rendered Latex, JSTOR recommends that users download a Unicode font for their machine and set the browser preferences to use this font to display encoded text. Information about doing so is located in the context-sensitive help file available from the JSTOR citation/abstract page.
Quick Links on the JSTOR “Browse” Page
Quick links have been added at the top of the “Browse” page to make it easier to jump to the individual discipline groups.