Resource Update: Migration to New Versions
On July 1 new interfaces for MLA International Bibliography and ArtAbstracts databases will be available. The Z39.50 implementation of these new databases should be available shortly after July 1 (pending the resolution of vendor technical problems).
a. MLA from OCLC to SilverPlatter
The SilverPlatter product offers enhanced functionality, less restricted access, and the inclusion of the MLA thesaurus. In addition, the content is updated more frequently than OCLC’s.
The English and American Literature Bibliographers conducted a formal evaluation of alternative platforms and recommended to the CDL Joint Steering Committee that MLA Bibliography migrate to SilverPlatter. MLA Resource Liaison, Michaelyn Burnette (UCB), was also very helpful in the selection process.
In addition, the CDL has licensed SilverLinker for all campuses, which allows links to full text.
b. ArtAbstracts from OCLC to H. W. Wilson
The primary reason for choosing H. W. Wilson over OCLC is that they offer ArtAbstracts (1984-present) and Art Index Retrospective (1929-1984) through one interface (seven campuses collectively decided to license Art Retro; also available July 1).
At the recommendation of the CDL Joint Steering Committee (JSC) on Shared Collections, CDL made licensing Art Retro and integrating the two files a priority. The JSC decision was made with significant input from the Art Bibliographers and Leslie Abrams (UCSD), ArtAbstracts Resource Liaison.