Thanks to Directory Vocabulary Contributors
CDL wants to thank the bibliography groups who contributed their time, subject expertise, and thoughtfulness to updating the CDL Directory Vocabulary. The vocabulary is a continually evolving project, and CDL will continue to work with the selector groups to further refine and develop it to meet users’ needs.
We thank the members and the Chairs of UC Bibliographer Groups:
Myra Appel (R), Philosophy and Religion
Joan Ariel (I), U.S. History/Women’s Studies
Peter Briscoe (R), French
Christine Bunting (SC), Art
Rafaela Castro (D), Ethnic Studies
Robin Chandler (SF), Archivists, University of California Archivists Council
Michael Colby (D), Music
Kathy Creely (SD), Anthropology
Jackie Dooley (I), Special Collections
Andrea Duda (SB), Sciences
Barbara Glendenning (B), Education
Susanna Hinojosa (B), Ethnic Studies
Phoebe Janes (B), U.S. History/Women’s Studies
Joan Kaplowitz (LA), Psychology
Linda Kennedy (D), Government Information, UC/Stanford Government Information Librarians
Nancy Koller (R), Political Science
Nancy Kushigian (D), English and American Literature
Mary Larsgaard (SB), Maps
Karl Lo (SD), East Asian Studies
Eudora Loh (LA), Latin American Studies, Calafia
Jean McKenzie (B)
Katalin Radics (LA), European History and Literature
Barbara Schader (LA), Health Sciences, UC Health Sciences Selectors Group
Jim Spohrer (B), Germanic Studies, California Germanic Librarians Consortium
Libbie Stephenson (LA), Social Science Data
Lorelei Tanji (I), Performing Arts (dance, theatre)
Milt Ternberg (B), Business and Economics
Sally Willson Weimer (SB), Sociology, UC/Stanford Sociology Consortium