Lucia Snowhill Appointed to the Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections. Barbara Kornstein Retires
The CDL is pleased to announce the appointment of Lucia Snowhill (SB) to the CDL Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections to replace Barbara Kornstein (B) who retired at the end of 1999. Thanks are due Barbara for her period of service on the committee from its inception in July of 1998. The CDL is fortunate to have someone with Lucia’s knowledge of the social sciences and who has worked in so many collaborative roles, including membership in the CDL’s Education Working Group and various LAUC roles. Lucia will assume Barbara’s responsibilities for communication with specific bibliographer groups. Lucia’s term will extend until July 2002.
The CDL Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections was appointed to advise the CDL on shared collections from a systemwide viewpoint (see [ ] and to identify and manage appropriate consultative and evaluation mechanisms. Other members are Clinton Howard (D), Alan Ritch (SC), Cindy Shelton (UCLA), Susan Starr (SD), and Beverlee French (CDL).