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Welcome Trisha Cruse

CDL is pleased to introduce Patricia (Trisha) Cruse from the San Diego campus who joins the CDL in Oakland as CDL Senior Associate for a year, beginning September 7, 1999.  Trisha will assume responsibilities in both Shared Content and Digital Library Services.  She will build on the work that Andrea Sevetson has completed in response to the charge to develop a systemwide strategy for providing access to digital government information and will coordinate the CDL’s role in government information initiatives that may follow from review of Andrea’s proposed actions.  In Digital Library Services, she will address technical, collaborative, and vendor aspects of a number of activities and projects, such as enhancing the CDL database interface, developing Z39.50 clients, and developing linking mechanisms amongst CDL content.  She will also assist in coordinating CDL Resource Liaison communication and activities.

Trisha has extensive background in library digital services and as a government information specialist.  She holds B.A. (Slavic Languages and Literature) and M.L.I.S. degrees from UC Berkeley.  She served as Social Sciences Reference Librarian, Information Technologies Specialist, and Electronic Services Librarian at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge.  She has been Coordinator of Government Information at UC San Diego since 1994 and was instrumental in the creation of GPOGate.  Recently Trisha added political science, maps, and geographic information systems to her responsibilities.

Please join us in welcoming Trisha Cruse to the CDL.