Thanks to Andrea Sevetson – Government Information Report and Recommended Strategic Options Available
Andrea Sevetson’s appointment as CDL Special Assistant for Government Information is coming to a close. CDL is fortunate to have had someone of Andrea’s caliber and experience to devote concentrated time to digital government information over the past six months. With the contributions of many, she was able to build on the work of EGIIG (Electronic Government Information Initiatives Group) and on the energy of the UC/Stanford Government Information Librarians, to develop these five action plans. The plans have benefited additionally by her consultation with SOPAG and the CDL Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections.
Andrea’s report and recommended strategic actions for “CDL’s Role in Developing a Systemwide Strategy for Providing Access to Digital Government Information” is posted on the Shared Collections Web site at []. Some of the sections require passwords during this period of internal review. Contact your collection development officer or the CDL for the password.
Because the actions will require significant investment, with the expected return of enhanced resources for the UC community and economies in delivering these resources, CDL encourages the broadest possible discussion of these initiatives. The CDL invites comments directly to Andrea Sevetson ( through September 30. CDL will then forward the report to the University Librarians Steering Committee for possible discussion and comment.