HSCI is Available via the Web
The History of Science and Technology (@RLG) database (HSCI) retrieves citations from journal articles, conference proceedings, books, book reviews, and dissertations in the history of science, the history of technology, and allied historical fields in a variety of languages. Subjects covered include agriculture, biology, construction, chemistry, energy, engineering, geology, linguistics, mathematics, medicine, music, philosophy, physics, social sciences, town planning, transport engineering, and zoology.
The small database contains citations, some with abstracts, indexed by the History of Science Society and the Society for the History of Technology from 1976-present. It is the online equivalent of Current Bibliography in the History of Technology and Current Bibliography of the History of Science and Its Cultural Influences.
The web version of this database now offers publication type limits to searches, an option not available in the Telnet version. Help screens for finding more/fewer/zero have been edited for HSCI, and the database description and general help screens have been carried over to be consistent with information in the Telnet version. The help and database description screens are accessible from the HELP button on the HSCI search screen.
To locate items in your search results at UC or other California libraries, search for periodical titles in the California Periodicals (PE) database or for books in the Melvyl Catalog (CAT).