PsycINFO Database Reload
On Thursday, March 25th, the reloaded PsycINFO database was moved into production. There are several new access points for the file. The changes are summarized below.
New Indexes:
- Classification Code (CC) [Note: two digit codes cover 1887-present; three/four digit codes from 1967-present]
- Corporate Author (CA)
- Exact Corporate Author (XCA)
- Series (SE)
- Exact series (XSE)
- Sponsoring agency (SP)
- Publisher (PU)
- Population group (POP) (This used to be done as an exact subject.)
- Age group (AGE) (This used to be done as an exact subject.)
New Command in the web: Browse — May be used with exact or keyword thesaurus terms.
New Options: The Form BOOK is no longer a limit. It will be directly searchable. This will allow bibliographers to create an Update search on the Form Book. The Update result will be a list of the newly added books.