Shared Collections: New Documents Available
There are new additions to CDL web shared collections materials ( A new chart called “Summary of Survey Results for Commercial Files with Multiple Mention” has been added. It is the last item listed under materials from the Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections. Within it are highlighted the recommended priorities for investigation and negotiation in the humanities and social sciences. The CDL will work on these resources in 1999, in addition to ongoing journal publisher negotiations. If some of these resources appear unlikely to come to fruition because of intractable business and licensing issues or co-investment funding problems, others may be substituted.
The JSCSC selects resources for their systemwide importance and for the balance across subjects and material types they represent. Guidelines in the “CDL Collection Framework” now include the “Collection Development Matrix”, and the JSCSC’s recent “Criteria for Priority Selection” (also newly available on the shared collections web site), which help guide the selections for near horizon negotiations.
Readers are reminded that the “CDL Collections Update” in the Documents section can be consulted for the status of investigations/negotiations with particular vendors or publishers. A summary version of this document is now linked from the “About Collections” section of the public CDL web page. Both of these are updated weekly with new developments.