Creation of the CDL’s Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections
The CDL is pleased to announce the membership of the CDL’s Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections. The Steering Committee will include Clinton Howard (UC Davis), Barbara Kornstein (UC Berkeley), Alan Ritch (UC Santa Cruz), and Cynthia Shelton (UCLA), each serving two- or three-year terms. The concept of a Joint Steering Committee evolved from discussions with the Systemwide Operations and Planning Group (SOPAG) and the Collection Development Committee (CDC) about the CDL’s need for a nimble consultative structure through which it can obtain expeditious advice on shared collections issues, identify priorities for shared digital collections, and ensure that the CDL is a collaborative effort of the nine campuses.
CDL Associate Director Beverlee French will convene the Joint Steering Committee, whose charge includes, in part, to inform and consult with SOPAG and CDC; to identify appropriate mechanisms for development of systemwide digital collection frameworks and priorities in the various domains (humanities, social sciences, etc.) to serve UC academic programs; and to recommend additional procedures or structures for faculty involvement in building the systemwide digital library.