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Progress in the Construction of the California Digital Library

  1. Official California Digital Library Web SiteThe CDL has engaged consultants to assist in the visual design, architecture, and organization of the CDL web site.  Once the design is complete, UC faculty and library staff will be asked to test the site and provide feedback.  The CDL plans to begin testing by November 1, 1998, and to make the web site generally available to all UC library users by January 1, 1999, in time for the winter term.
  2. Interim Web Site: “Systemwide Planning for Libraries and Scholarly Information”To keep the UC community and public informed about Universitywide library planning activity and initiatives, including the CDL, the CDL will establish an interim web site, “Systemwide Planning for Libraries and Scholarly Information,” linked to the UCOPInfo “Libraries” page.  This site will highlight the work of Carol Christ’s newly-established Systemwide Library and Scholarly Information Advisory Committee.  It will be a primary method of communication with the UC community about library plans and issues, including CDL development plans.  This web site will be available by June 1, 1998.  Until that time, users can check the Library Planning and Action Initiative (LPAI) web site [] for more information.
  3. “About the CDL” Web PageBy mid-June, design work for the CDL site should be sufficiently advanced that it will be possible to adopt the key design elements for a new “About the CDL” page that will provide general information and progress reports.  Again, users seeking more information should check the LPAI web site [].

By July 1, 1998, the CDL will replace the current link to the Melvyl system on the UCOPInfo “Libraries” page with a link to this new informational page, which will also become the means to gain access to the Melvyl system. Before replacing the link to the Melvyl system, the CDL will notify campus groups about the need to change their campus links to the Melvyl system.