Susan Starr Returns to UC San Diego
April 10 is Susan Starr’s last official day at the California Digital Library, at which time she will return to the San Diego campus library. Susan will continue to work with the CDL from UCSD for 25% of her time until the close of the current fiscal year.
Susan joined the Library Planning and Action Initiative 14 months ago, and from her first day, became integral to the systemwide planning effort. Her knowledge of libraries, UC, and UC librarians, as well as her keen intelligence and thoughtful approach to challenging issues, made her invaluable to what is widely regarded as one of the University’s most successful planning efforts in recent years. The final report now being released is the result of her careful and diligent work in synthesizing and expressing the ideas and thoughts of the LPAI Advisory Task Force.
“It is absolutely clear to me that the CDL would not have progressed to its current state without Susan,” observes University Librarian Richard Lucier.” She has been a trusted and respected colleague, a true partner in giving substance and practical usefulness to an innovative set of ideas. I will miss greatly our close professional relationship; I am sad to see my friend, colleague, and co-conspirator return to her campus, but am deeply appreciative of all she has given to me and the CDL.”