Welcome to the California Digital Library Listserv
As a rapidly developing, collaborative undertaking, the California Digital Library is starting to build an active communications program to help keep the UC community informed about progress in creation of the CDL, policy issues under discussion, and newly available electronic resources. As a first step, we are launching this listserv for UC libraries.
We hope that subscribers from the UC libraries will pass on selected information from the listserv to faculty, staff, and students on their campuses, as appropriate. In the future, we plan to develop a communications program to reach UC faculty, staff, and students, as well as others outside of UC who may be interested in our activities. We are also in the process of designing a CDL web page. In the interim, we are maintaining the current Library Planning and Action Initiative (LPAI) web page and have opened it to the public (see below for more information).
Eligible subscribers: UC library employees
To subscribe: Please send the following line to listserv@listserv.ucop.edu
Frequency of publication: For the first month, the CDL plans to publish the listserv weekly. We will then move to biweekly publication, generally on the 1st and 15th of each month, or as new information warrants.
Communicating with the listserv: The CDL Listserv does not accept submissions.