Mary Jean Moore Leaves CDL to Teach
Best wishes to Mary Jean Moore, who has left CDL to pursue a new vision: She is returning to school fulltime for a teaching credential to become an elementary school teacher. MJ was DLA’s and then CDL’s Senior Writer. MJ was one of the original Melvyl Web interface pioneers, writing and editing the html shells that provide users with search and help information. Before the creation of the Web version, MJ provided literate Help screens for users of the Telnet Melvyl system. Basically, she provided much of the visible language interface between the Melvyl system users and programmers. In addition, she was the Editor of the DLA Bulletin for 12 years, and the original moderator of the CDLInfo Listserv. MJ was a member of the user Services group and coworker to all of us. Her work ethic and sense of humor fit right into the environment at DLA/CDL, and we think her students will appreciate both in her new career.