Grant Support Received for Online Archive of California
In September 1998, LSTA awarded funds to the California Digital Library (CDL) to continue development of its Online Archive of California (OAC). The Library Services and Technology Act states as an objective the promotion of innovative programs in the ever growing field of library technology. The OAC is a state-wide digital archive that integrates into a single, searchable database thousands of archival finding aids and digital facsimiles of the contents of archival collections that are dispersed through the State. In its award letter to the CDL, the California State Library credited OAC staff for their progress on the online finding aids union database. The State’s award letter highlighted OAC objectives of using the XML standard, creating collection-level records, reformatting paper finding aids, expanding participation throughout California, and providing an evaluation of user benefits as examples of the leadership that the CDL and UC are taking in the area of digital archival finding aids.