Links to Full Content
In response to several comments from librarians we wish to clarify information about the status and timing of adding links from the CDL Directory to journal titles or from CDL-hosted databases to articles.
Although there is some variability depending upon timing and resolution of technical problems, in general access to journal titles is immediately available following license completion, while article-level links take some weeks to complete after that. Current status for recently licensed databases, to which the CDL Directory offers direct access, is as follows:
American Chemical Society (ACS): Access to the titles is available through the CDL directory. CDL is working on finalizing the last pieces needed to add the article-level links to A&I database records.
Elsevier: Titles are now accessible through the CDL Directory.
Highwire Press: Access to new titles is available through the CDL directory and article-level links are generally available within a week of notification that a new title has been added to the Highwire Press site. Science is available via Highwire.
IEEE: The UC/IEEE Experiment in electronic delivery of page images is coming to a close. The past four years have been very useful and we have learned a lot about the issues surrounding full image delivery. The CDL has contracted with IEEE to maintain access to the IEEE/IEE images using the IHS server. IEEE uses IHS – Information Handling Services – as its service provider. Web users will continue to access the IEEE/IEE PDF images via links in the INSPEC database. The years of coverage will remain the same.
During the next few months we will begin the transition from CDL-hosted data, to IHS-hosted data. We expect to begin loading the linking data for the IHS images around March 1, 1999 and to finish loading around April 1, 1999. We hope to make this transition as seamless as possible for the users. The new hyperlinks to the IHS-hosted data will appear in the INSPEC records in the web interface as they are created. During the transition period we will show both the links to CDL-hosted images and the links to the images at IHS in the web interface. Once the IHS links are fully loaded, the links for the CDL hosted images will be removed. For more information, contact your campus IEEE liaison.
JSTOR: Access to the titles is available through the CDL directory. CDL is currently developing the software support (programming) needed to add the article-level links to the A&I database records.