CDL Outreach Tools
Two new outreach tools are available that will be useful to describe the CDL, its collections and services, and its relationship to local campuses as a co-library. Acting on discussion in many different venues, including the Spring DL Strategies Forums, the Education Working Group, the Heads of Public Services, the Systemwide Operations and Planning Advisory Group, and among the CDL evaluation liaisons, CDL is making available 1) a set of adaptable electronic materials (via a Web page) and 2) print materials — a poster and campus-customized bookmarks.
Adaptable Electronic Materials
A new page has been added to the CDL Libstaff site — Adaptable Outreach Materials. It is available in the Communications and Publications page of the Libstaff section of the CDL or can be reached directly at: [].
The site contains CDL materials that can be adapted and incorporated into locally produced resources such as instructional items, brochures, signage, etc. The types of materials include an RTF version of the CDL brochure and screen captures of the main CDL pages and sequences of screen shots that capture use of features such as Request, Profile, and Update. Many instructional librarians and others have expressed an interest in having these types of materials readily available.
CDL Posters and Bookmarks
CDL has received many requests, both within and outside of UC, for visual materials to help explain the CDL and establish its identity as a partner. The posters and bookmarks follow the CDL brochure as a response to these requests. They list the primary CDL resources and provide contact information. The posters are designed so that they can be used as a tool to explain how the CDL relates to local resources. There is room at the left or right edges to mount an 8 1/2″ by 11″ page with local news or information about new resources. On the Adaptable Outreach Materials Web site, there is one example of a page that could be put on the poster. Each campus will be receiving posters and bookmarks in the next few weeks.
If you have questions/comments about the web page or the posters and bookmarks, please contact Rosalie Lack at