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Shared Cataloging Records Update

These files will be processed and loaded into the California Periodicals database by April 24.  After this initial file transfer, file updates are expected on a weekly basis.

Production of Shared Cataloging records for CDL electronic journals began in January at UCSD under the direction of Crystal Graham.  At the CDL, Beverlee French provides overall coordination of this effort and Rebecca Doherty is responsible for file distribution operations.

In addition, a group of Shared Cataloging Program Systems Liaisons (for file retrieval) has the operational responsibility for managing the files in coordination with campus practices.

Library staff interested in this program may subscribe to the listserv, (send the following line to SUBSCRIBE SCP-L your name).  For immediate questions on cataloging, contact Becky Culbertson at UCSD (; for questions on file distribution, contact Rebecca Doherty at CDL (  Further information about the CDL Shared Cataloging Project is available at: [