July Release: Tests and Mockup Available
Tests and Mockups for the CDL’s semi-annual release of new features and enhancements are now available at: [http://www.cdlib.org/libstaff/july2000/]. This page contains the most up-to-date information and links to test versions. All library staff are encouraged to view, test, and comment on the changes.
NOTE: This page will be continually updated during the test period.
Timeline for the July release
- May 16, 2000: Test version ready (note: not all features will be ready for testing on this date)
- June 15, 2000: Last day for comments (please send comments or suggestions to cdl@www.cdlib.org)
- July 19, 2000: Release Date
The release will include the following items:
My Library – A prototype of a customization tool that will provide users with the ability to organize frequently used information resources in a personally meaningful way. [Test site will be available in July; this will NOT be a production version]
CDL Web Site – Re-organization of the CDL Collections and Services page (http://www.cdlib.org/collections/)
CDL Directory – A “No Results Page” will be created that suggests alternative search options for zero results searches.
SearchLight – Enhancements to the interim search screen and results page. The remaining databases originally supported in Database Advisor will be added.
CDL-hosted Databases – links to holdings for books and other monographs in BIOSIS, INSPEC, and PsycINFO; links to Digital Dissertations from the Melvyl Catalog and PsycINFO; and the Online and Print Access displays will be standardized across databases.