EBSCO Agreement
CDL has signed an agreement with EBSCO to negotiate on CDL’s behalf for systemwide licenses with a selected number of publishers for access to their electronic journals. The agreement was signed following the Joint Steering Committee on Shared Collections (JSC) encouragement to explore services of a serials aggregator for systemwide ejournal licensing to contribute to and find efficiencies in the successful ejournal licensing program.
EBSCO’s responsibilities will include:
- Negotiating with publishers to follow CDL licensing principles and employ the CDL model license.
- Negotiating business terms for systemwide access to electronic journals.
- Implementing linking from CDL databases to articles for all electronic subscriptions.
- Handling administrative details.
Initially EBSCO will work with a select group of publishers drawn from a comprehensive JSC list based on the recent bibliographer surveys, JSTOR titles, and STIC priorities. As licenses are secured with the initial group additional publishers will be added to EBSCO’s responsibilities.
The goal of business negotiations will be to gain access to all UC titles for all campuses from a given publisher without increasing overall UC expenditures. The CDL will fund EBSCO’s services, and will continue to work to minimize the shared cost and cost increases for content.
Support of linking, for example from A&I databases to e-journal sites, is an important aspect of licensing and is well understood by EBSCO’s technical staff. Like many other vendors and aggregators, EBSCO is examining SFX technology to better customize linking to content [For more information on SFX see a series of descriptive D-Lib articles, starting with http://www.dlib.org/dlib/april99/van_de_sompel/04van_de_sompel-pt2.html].
Readers should contact their campus Collection Development Officer, or CDL acquisitions contacts, for more information and watch CDLINFO for reports of the outcomes of the agreement.