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WAS at NDIIPP Partners’ Meeting

The National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Consortium (NDIIPP) is hosting its annual partners’ meeting in Washington DC from July 20-July 22.  The Web Archiving Service is the result of the NDIIPP-funded Web-at-Risk project, and though that project is complete, we are still active in, learning from, and contributing to the NDIIPP community.

Tracy Seneca will be taking part in two panels devoted to Web archiving issues, one as part of the July 21 breakout session devoted to “Challenges in Web Archiving”.  The other is a July 22 session at the Library of Congress with panelists from a range of organizations belonging to the International Internet Preservation Consortium.    IIPC members will also use this opportunity to meet and discus shared needs for Web archiving metrics.

We are especially looking forward to the sessions on the Challenges of Preserving Social Media, the update on the Memento project, and a demonstration of “Recollection”, which provides alternate views of the collections built with NDIIPP support.