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Download AGUA Reports More Easily!

Every two years, when not actively engaged in collections analysis, WEST modifies and enhances the AGUA collection analysis and decision support system to add new features, reports, and tools or improve existing ones. These development phases typically include several projects, but the exact number varies depending on size and complexity. You can read more about AGUA Development (what it is, why we do it, and what goes into it) in our Brief Introduction to AGUA Development.

This year, as part of Development Phase 7, the AGUA Development Team has completed an update to the way AGUA users download many of the files in AGUA!

Previously the collection comparison reports, archiving commitments reports, and archiving exhibits (among others) would open a text file in a new tab when users clicked to download them. Users then had to left click and save these as .txt files on their computers before they could be used. This was an un-intuitive process for new users, and could lead to some formatting errors when users opened these files in Excel.

Since Excel is the most common way users interact with these files, the AGUA Development Team changed the way these files download, so that they will now automatically download as .xslx files. This means users can immediately open and begin working with these files straight from their downloads folder without having to convert them into another format!

We hope that this new improvement helps to simplify the process of working with these files, and, as always, we would love to hear from you about this new update! If you have comments or feedback about this new update, or question please email the WEST Project Team.