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Adriana Moran moves on

It’s with mixed emotions I tell you of news from CDL Acquisitions. Adriana Moran, CDL Acquisitions Coordinator, will be leaving us for another opportunity. She is leaving big shoes to fill, and we wish her all the best for her future.

Adriana has held her CDL Acquisitions Coordinator position for 14 years. During that time, she’s led the CDL Acquisitions team, with responsibility for overseeing all of the complex functions involved in paying for systemwide content and managing recharges with the 10 UC campuses and the 2 labs, as well as tracking and managing access and entitlements, and coordinating troubleshooting responses. Each year Adriana would manage a portfolio of approximately $50m worth of content for the UC system, ensuring vendors were paid on time, campuses were recharged accurately, and that the content we’ve paid for remains accessible through platform changes and discrepancies in title lists. Adriana’s expertise will be greatly missed, especially in calculating and preparing complex cost-sharing documentation and reports and in negotiating with vendors. She has held this key role and led her team through leadership changes at both CDL and within UCSD Libraries, through financial systems migrations at UCSD and the systemwide migration to Alma, and of course through the upheaval we all experienced during pandemic life. Her contributions to the success of CDL over the last 14 years can’t be overstated.

Please join me in wishing Adriana well and sending her off with a fond farewell.  Her last day is March 4th.