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New Online Archive of California (OAC) Interface

The Online Archive of California (OAC) Web site has been redesigned. On July 15, 2002, its new interface will be released to the public.  During the next month, the UC community will have the opportunity to explore the new web site, gain familiarity with its functionality, and to begin to incorporate it into reference services and training.

The CDL would also like to get your feedback on the new interface before its public release.  We are interested in ANY and ALL feedback (big picture issues and details).

Please visit the OAC Release Page [] to access the new version of the OAC.


Open for Review to Library Staff: June 13, 2002
Feedback Due: June 30, 2002
General Public Release: July 15, 2002


The Online Archive of California (OAC) is undergoing major improvements.  First, a new home page is currently being designed to provide the OAC with its own unique identify. Second, Dynaweb, the software package that first launched OAC when it was known as the UC-EAD project is being retired as the finding aid delivery system and replaced with DLXS (Digital Library eXtension Service) software.  In order to provide a smooth transition for users and reference staff, Dynaweb OAC is scheduled to remain online until December 31st, 2002.

Thanks very much for taking the time to visit the new web site and provide us with feedback.