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AGUA Development Phase 5 – Input Requested

Every other year WEST solicits unarchived holdings files from members and performs a collections analysis to identify what journals will be archived on behalf of the group over the next two years. During the ‘off years’ the WEST project team works with the AGUA Development team at the California Digital Library to identify and build enhancements to AGUA that improve the collection analysis, add new functionalities in AGUA, and generally help facilitate member engagement with the analysis and archiving processes.

WEST is currently in the beginning planning stages for the next AGUA development cycle, Phase 5. To help aid in this planning, WEST is soliciting input from all staff at all member institutions to help identify enhancements that will improve day to day use of AGUA and help support local collection management workflows and decision making. Please submit any enhancement ideas through this form by May 29 (you may submit multiple times if you have several enhancement proposals you would like WEST to consider):

Submitted enhancement proposals will then be reviewed by the WEST Operations and Collection Council, which will identify development priorities for the coming year. If you have any questions about the process or would prefer to submit your ideas over email, please contact Anna Striker at